Understanding Timing Parameters in Nand Flash Controller

3 minute read

The NAND flash used in mini2440 is from Samsung, the part number is K9F2G08U0C, the meaning of it is defined in Samsung Part Number Decoder, we can get the basic information from it, but, right now, I am not interest in this kind of information, the crucial part for software is timing, before dive into it, let’s get familiar with the signals used in NAND flash, the follow table is taken from the datasheet of K9F2G08U0:

Pin Function
The CLE input controls the activating path for commands sent to the command register. When active high, commands are latched into the command register through the I/O ports on the rising edge of the nWE signal.
The ALE input controls the activating path for address to the internal address registers. Addresses are latched on the rising edge of nWE with ALE high.
The nCE input is the device selection control. When the device is in the Busy state, nCE high is ignored, and the device does not return to standby mode in program or erase operation.
The nRE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of nRE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.
The nWE input controls writes to the I/O port. Commands, address and data are latched on the rising edge of the nWE pulse.
The nWP pin provides inadvertent program/erase protection during power transitions. The internal high voltage generator is reset when the nWP pin is active low.
The R/B output indicates the status of the device operation. When low, it indicates that a program, erase or random read operation is in process and returns to high state upon completion. It is an open drain output and does not float to high-z condition when the chip is deselected or when outputs are disabled.

The timing information related to NAND flash control setup is as follows:

Parameter Symbol Min (3.3V) Unit
CLE Setup Time tCLS 12 ns
ALE Setup Time tALS 12 ns
ALE Hold Time tALH 5 ns
CLE Hold Time tCLH 5 ns
nWE Pulse Time tWP 12 ns

There are only three configurable parameters in NAND flash configuration register of S3C2440:

NFCONF Bit Description Initial State
Reserved [15:14] Reserved
TACLS [13:12] CLE & ALE duration setting value (0~3)
Duration = HCLK x TACLS
Reserved [11] Reserved 0
TWRPH0 [10:8] TWRPH0 duration setting value (0~7)
Duration= HCLKx(TWRPH0+1)
Reserved [7] Reserved 0
TWRPH1 [6:4] TWRPH1 duration setting value (0~7)
Duration= HCLKx(TWRPH1+1)

The ALE and CLE timing are similar so there is only one figure for this: Nand Flash Timing I guess the S in TACLS means setup, A and C means ALE and CLE respectively, so the TACLS means ALE/CLE setup time.

This is a little different from the definition of CLE/ALE setup time in command latch cycle described in datasheet: Command Latch Cycle

tWP is included in tCLS, so for the TACLS field in NFCONF, TACLS=tCLS-tWP, here the HCLK is 101.25 MHz, so 1 HCLK is around 9.877(1000/101.25)ns

TACLS = tCLS - tWP = 12 - 12 = 0

TWRPH0 is easy to confirm, it is nWE Pulse Width (tWP) tWP = 12ns, this is the minimum value, so higher than this is acceptable, if set it to two times of HCLK, then

TWRPH0 = 2HCLK/HCLK - 1 = 1

TWRPH1 is CLE Hold Time (tCLH) tCLH = 5ns, twice this value to 10ns

TWRPH1 = 10/HCLK - 1 = 0

ALE and CLE are similar, put the timing of address latch cycle here for reference: Address Latch Cycle