U-Boot: Understanding lowlevel_init

8 minute read

MINI2440 has two SDRAM chips on board, different version have different chipset, my SDRAM is EM63A165TS-6G from EtronTech, the pin and timing is compatible with HY57V561620.

Memory Interface with SDRAM

According to S3C2440 spec, for 16-bit SDRAM the pin A[3:2] should be connected to SoC’s A[1:0]: Memory Interface with 16-bit SDRAM (4Mx16x4Bank * 2ea)


The address range can be determined with the following table:
                                   Table 5-1. Bank 6/7 Addresses

Address(bank6) 2MB 4MB 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB
Start address 0x3000_0000 0x3000_0000 0x3000_0000 0x3000_0000 0x3000_0000 0x3000_0000 0x3000_0000
End address 0x301F_FFFF 0x303F_FFFF 0x307F_FFFF 0x30FF_FFFF 0x31FF_FFFF 0x33FF_FFFF 0x37FF_FFFF
Address(bank7) 2MB 4MB 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB 128MB
Start address 0x3020_0000 0x3040_0000 0x3080_0000 0x3100_0000 0x3200_0000 0x3400_0000 0x3800_0000
End address 0x303F_FFFF 0x307F_FFFF 0x30FF_FFFF 0x31FF_FFFF 0x33FF_FFFF 0x37FF_FFFF 0x3FFF_FFFF

The memory map after reset as follows: Memory Map after Reset

Setup SDRAM Timing

For SDRAM working properly, the timing requirement should be fulfilled, below is a list terms regarding the timing parameters:

Terms Description
RAS row address strobe
CAS column address strobe
nSRAS SDRAM row address strobe
nSCAS SDRAM column address strobe
SCAN Column address number
CBR CAS before RAS refresh
Trcd RAS to CAS delay
Trp SDRAM RAS pre-charge Time
Tsrc SDRAM Semi Row cycle time
Tsrc = Trc - Trp
Trc SDRAM Row cycle time
Trc = Tsrc + Trp

The following SDRAM timing diagram can help understanding these terms: SDRAM Timing Diagram

Set Bus Width

Bus width is controlled by BWSCON register, as our SDRAMs are connected to nGCS6, we only care about setting bus width for the last two banks, the bit definition for BUS WIDTH & WAIT CONTROL REGISTER (BWSCON) are as follows:

Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
BWSCON 0x48000000 R/W Bus width & wait status control register 0x000000
BWSCON Bit Description Initial state
ST7 [31] Determines SRAM for using UB/LB for bank 7.
0 = Not using UB/LB (The pins are dedicated nWBE[3:0])
1 = Using UB/LB (The pins are dedicated nBE[3:0])
WS7 [30] Determines WAIT status for bank 7.
0 = WAIT disable 1 = WAIT enable
DW7 [29:28] Determines data bus width for bank 7.
00 = 8-bit 01 = 16-bit, 10 = 32-bit 11 = reserved
ST6 [27] Determines SRAM for using UB/LB for bank 6.
0 = Not using UB/LB (The pins are dedicated nWBE[3:0 )
1 = Using UB/LB (The pins are dedicated nBE[3:0])
WS6 [26] Determines WAIT status for bank 6.
0 = WAIT disable, 1 = WAIT enable
DW6 [25:24] Determines data bus width for bank 6.
00 = 8-bit 01 = 16-bit, 10 = 32-bit 11 = reserved

Here the bus width are set to 32-bit:

#define BWSCON	0x48000000

/* BWSCON */
#define DW8			(0x0)
#define DW16			(0x1)
#define DW32			(0x2)
#define WAIT			(0x1<<2)
#define UBLB			(0x1<<3)

#define B6_BWSCON		(DW32)
#define B7_BWSCON		(DW32)

Bank Control

BANK CONTROL REGISTER (BANKCONn: nGCS6-nGCS7) define the following parameters:

Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
BANKCON6 0x4800001C R/W Bank 6 control register 0x18008
BANKCON7 0x48000020 R/W Bank 7 control register 0x18008
BANKCONn Bit Description Initial State
MT [16:15] Determine the memory type for bank6 and bank7.
00 = ROM or SRAM, 01 = Reserved
10 = Reserved, 11 = Sync. DRAM
Trcd [3:2] RAS to CAS delay
00 = 2 clocks 01 = 3 clocks 10 = 4 clocks
SCAN [1:0] Column address number
00 = 8-bit 01 = 9-bit 10 = 10-bit

To setup above correctly, consult to the SDRAM datasheet is required:

  1. The memory type is Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), so the MT=0x3
  2. Column Address is A0-A8, so SCAN = 0x1
  3. tRCD = 18 ns, SDRAM using HCLK which is 101.25 MHz, so the Trcd = (18ns * HCLK) / 1000 = 1.822, clk = 2clk

Table 16. Electrical Characteristics and Recommended A.C. Operating Conditions

Symbol A.C. Parameter Min. EM63A165TS-6  
tRCD RAS# to CAS# delay (same bank) 18 (min) - (max)
tRP Precharge to refresh/row activate command (same bank) 18 (min) - (max)
tRC Row cycle time (same bank) 60 (min) - (max)

Set both bank 6 and 7 with same paramters:

/* BANK6CON */
#define B6_MT			0x3	/* SDRAM */
#define B6_Trcd			0x0	/* 2clk */
#define B6_SCAN			0x1	/* 9bit */

/* BANK7CON */
#define B7_MT			0x3	/* SDRAM */
#define B7_Trcd			0x0	/* 2clk */
#define B7_SCAN			0x1	/* 9bit */

Refresh Parameters

The remaining are SDRAM refresh related, the REFRESH CONTROL REGISTER bit definition as follows:

Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
REFRESH 0x48000024 R/W SDRAM refresh control register 0xac0000
REFRESH Bit Description Initial State
REFEN [23] SDRAM Refresh Enable
0 = Disable 1 = Enable (self or CBR/auto refresh)
TREFMD [22] SDRAM Refresh Mode
0 = CBR/Auto Refresh 1 = Self Refresh
In self-refresh time, the SDRAM control signals are driven to the appropriate level.
Trp [21:20] SDRAM RAS pre-charge Time
00 = 2 clocks 01 = 3 clocks 10 = 4 clocks 11 = Not support
Tsrc [19:18] SDRAM Semi Row cycle time
00 = 4 clocks 01 = 5 clocks 10 = 6 clocks 11 = 7 clocks
SDRAM Row cycle time: Trc=Tsrc+Trp
If Trp = 3clocks & Tsrc = 7clocks, Trc = 3+7=10clocks.
Reserved [17:16] Not used 00
Reserved [15:11] Not used 0000
Refresh Counter [10:0] SDRAM refresh count value. Refer to chapter 6 SDRAM refresh controller bus priority section.
Refresh period = (211-refresh_count+1)/HCLK
If refresh period is 7.8 us and HCLK is 100MHz, the refresh count is as follows:
Refresh count = 211 + 1 - 100x7.8 = 1269
  1. Refresh is always enabled
  2. Us CBR/Auto Refresh
  3. Trp is same as Trcd = 18ns = 2clk
  4. Tsrc = Trc - Trp = (60 - 18) = 42ns = (42ns * HCLK) / 1000 = 4.2525clk = 5clk
  5. Refresh count = 211 + 1 - HCLK * refresh period
    Refresh count = 211 + 1 - 101.25 * 7.8125 = 2049 - 791 = 1258

Refresh period = 64ms / 8192 refresh cycles

Put above REFRESH parameters to code is:

#define REFEN			0x1	/* Refresh enable */
#define TREFMD			0x0	/* CBR(CAS before RAS)/Auto refresh */
#define Trp			0x0	/* 2clk */
#define Tsrc			0x1	/* 5clk */
#define REFCNT			1258	@ period=7.8125us, HCLK=101.25Mhz, (2048+1-7.8125x101.25)

Banksize and Mode Register Set

Banksize register bit definition as follows:

Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
BANKSIZE 0x48000028 R/W Flexible bank size register 0x0
BANKSIZE Bit Description Initial State
BURST_EN [7] ARM core burst operation enable.
0 = Disable burst operation.
1 = Enable burst operation.
Reserved [6] Not used 0
SCKE_EN [5] SDRAM power down mode enable control by SCKE
0 = SDRAM power down mode disable
1 = SDRAM power down mode enable
SCLK_EN [4] SCLK is enabled only during SDRAM access cycle for reducing power consumption. When SDRAM is not accessed, SCLK becomes ‘L’ level.
0 = SCLK is always active.
1 = SCLK is active only during the access (recommended).
Reserved [3] Not used 0
BK76MAP [2:0] BANK6/7 memory map
000 = 32M/32M
001 = 64MB/64MB
010 = 128MB/128MB
111 = 16M/16M
101 = 4M/4M
110 = 8M/8M
100 = 2M/2M

The banksize register setup as follows:

  1. Enable burst operation
  2. Enbale power down mode
  3. SCLK enabled
  4. Bank6 is 64 MB

So the value for bank size register is 0b1011_0001(0xB1).


Register Address R/W Description Reset Value
MRSRB6 0x4800002C R/W Mode register set register bank6 xxx
MRSRB7 0x48000030 R/W Mode register set register bank7 xxx
MRSR Bit Description Initial State
Reserved [11:10] Not used -
WBL [9] Write burst length
0: Burst (Fixed)
1: Reserved
TM [8:7] Test mode
00: Mode register set (Fixed)
01, 10 and 11: Reserved
CL [6:4] CAS latency
000 = 1 clock, 010 = 2 clocks, 011=3 clocks
Others: reserved
BT [3] Burst type
0: Sequential (Fixed)
1: Reserved
BL [2:0] Burst length
000: 1 (Fixed)
Others: Reserved

NOTE: MRSR register must not be reconfigured while the code is running on SDRAM.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In sleep mode, sdram has to enter sdram self-refresh mode.

For this register most of the bits are set to non-reserved value except for CAS latency, which can be found in SDRAM datasheet, the CL for mini2440 is 2 or 3 clk, so the final set for MRSR is 0x20/0x30.

  • CAS Latency: 2, or 3
  • Burst Length: 1, 2, 4, 8, or full page

Configuring Registers

To understand the following part, you need to know what literal pool is, the LTORG directive is used to instruct the assembler to assemble the current literal pool immediately, and make processor not attempt to execute the constants as instructions. We use literal pools to store SDRAM related configurations:


    .word (0+(B1_BWSCON<<4)+(B2_BWSCON<<8)+(B3_BWSCON<<12)+(B4_BWSCON<<16)+(B5_BWSCON<<20)+(B6_BWSCON<<24)+(B7_BWSCON<<28))
    .word ((B0_Tacs<<13)+(B0_Tcos<<11)+(B0_Tacc<<8)+(B0_Tcoh<<6)+(B0_Tah<<4)+(B0_Tacp<<2)+(B0_PMC))
    .word ((B1_Tacs<<13)+(B1_Tcos<<11)+(B1_Tacc<<8)+(B1_Tcoh<<6)+(B1_Tah<<4)+(B1_Tacp<<2)+(B1_PMC))
    .word ((B2_Tacs<<13)+(B2_Tcos<<11)+(B2_Tacc<<8)+(B2_Tcoh<<6)+(B2_Tah<<4)+(B2_Tacp<<2)+(B2_PMC))
    .word ((B3_Tacs<<13)+(B3_Tcos<<11)+(B3_Tacc<<8)+(B3_Tcoh<<6)+(B3_Tah<<4)+(B3_Tacp<<2)+(B3_PMC))
    .word ((B4_Tacs<<13)+(B4_Tcos<<11)+(B4_Tacc<<8)+(B4_Tcoh<<6)+(B4_Tah<<4)+(B4_Tacp<<2)+(B4_PMC))
    .word ((B5_Tacs<<13)+(B5_Tcos<<11)+(B5_Tacc<<8)+(B5_Tcoh<<6)+(B5_Tah<<4)+(B5_Tacp<<2)+(B5_PMC))
    .word ((B6_MT<<15)+(B6_Trcd<<2)+(B6_SCAN))
    .word ((B7_MT<<15)+(B7_Trcd<<2)+(B7_SCAN))
    .word ((REFEN<<23)+(TREFMD<<22)+(Trp<<20)+(Tsrc<<18)+REFCNT)
    .word 0x32
    .word 0x30
    .word 0x30

The values calculated for each register as follows:

00000704 <SMRDATA>:
 704:	2211d120 	.word	0x2211d120
 708:	00000700 	.word	0x00000700
 70c:	00000700 	.word	0x00000700
 710:	00000700 	.word	0x00000700
 714:	00001f4c 	.word	0x00001f4c
 718:	00000700 	.word	0x00000700
 71c:	00000700 	.word	0x00000700
 720:	00018001 	.word	0x00018001
 724:	00018001 	.word	0x00018001
 728:	008404ea 	.word	0x008404ea
 72c:	000000b1 	.word	0x000000b1
 730:	00000030 	.word	0x00000030
 734:	00000030 	.word	0x00000030

Now, let’s break down the final part of lowlevel_init:

.globl lowlevel_init                @ called in start.S, make it global
    ldr     r0, =SMRDATA            @ r0 = 0x704
    ldr	r1, =CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE   @ r1 = 0x0
    sub	r0, r0, r1

    ldr	r1, =BWSCON                 @ r1 = 0x48000000
    add     r2, r0, #13*4           @ r2 = 0x738, memory controller have 13 registers in total
    ldr     r3, [r0], #4            @ r3 = 0x2211d120, r0 = 0x708
    str     r3, [r1], #4            @ *(0x48000000) = 0x2211d120, r1 = 0x48000004
    cmp     r2, r0                  @ Compare r2 with r1 and branch to 0b, if r2
                                    @ is not equal to r0 (Z bit in CPSR was set),
                                    @ otherwise continue.
    bne     0b                      @

    mov	pc, lr                      @ return

You can use gdb command x to see if all registers were configured correctly:

>>> x/13 0x48000000
0x48000000:	0x2211d120	0x00000700	0x00000700	0x00000700
0x48000010:	0x00001f4c	0x00000700	0x00000700	0x00018001
0x48000020:	0x00018001	0x008404ea	0x000000b1	0x00000030
0x48000030:	0x00000030

Instructions used in this section are:

Mnemonic Instruction Action
ADD Add Rd: = Rn + Op2
CMP Compare CPSR flags: = Rn - Op2
LDR Load register from memory Rd: = (address)
MOV Move register or constant Rd: = Op2
SUB Subtrace Rd: = Rn - Op2
STR Store register to memory <address>: = Rd