Automate FTP transfer with shell script

2 minute read

Android build process takes a very long time, especially on low end computers, after build complete, I wanna transfer the final image to ftp server for further automation tests, here’s the solution with curl command.

Automate ftp upload with curl


rand=`shuf -i 2000-6000 -n 1`

image_path=$(find out/target/product/ -name $image_file)

if [ -z "$image_path" ]; then
	echo "Image file not ready, check later"
	exit 0

file_exist=$(curl --netrc --head ftp://$serverip/$image_file |grep Modified)
if [[ $file_exist == *"Modified"* ]]; then
	# Rename remote file if exists
	curl --netrc --ftp-create-dirs -Q "-RNFR $image_file" \
		-Q "-RNTO $image_file.$rand"  ftp://$serverip

# Upload new file
echo "Uploading image file"
curl --netrc --upload-file $image_path ftp://$serverip
echo "Image file uploaded"

mv $image_path $image_path.$rand

Save above script to, copy to $HOME/.local/bin, then create .netrc in $HOME direcotry, and change permission to 600:

login ftpuser
password ftpuser

Now we can execute the script in aosp project, and wait for upload complete.

Download image file from ftp

rand=`shuf -i 2000-6000 -n 1`

# List files on ftp server
curl --netrc ftp://$serverip
curl --netrc ftp://$serverip/$image_file -o "/tmp/$image_file"

Automation inside Citrix

For security reason, you may work inside citrix, for me, the ftp server inside citrix is isolated from outside ftp, I can download files with different ip address, in this case, we do not know when the build process ends and also when upload completes.

Fortunately, there is a solution, not perfect, but it works. I found if wrong command typed in the terminal, there will be a bell ring, and this can be detected in ubuntu that running Citrix receiver, by checking the status of /proc/asound/cardX/pcmXp/subX/status, when the bell rings the status will become to state RUNNING, you may wanna use pacmd which seems better than cat the status file:

pacmd list-sink-inputs

Here is the script I used for image downloading:

rand=`shuf -i 2000-6000 -n 1`

while true
	pacmd list-sink-inputs | grep 'state: RUNNING'
	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
		echo "Image ready"

	sleep 1

# List files on ftp server
curl --netrc ftp://$serverip
curl --netrc ftp://$serverip/$image_file -o "/tmp/$image_file"

Now fire and wait for image file ready. Oh, don’t forget make some noise with echo -e '\007' or echo -e '\a' at the end of upload script described in upload with curlsection.
