Connect to Home Computer over SSH through Cloudflare

2 minute read

I need to work on my personal projects outside sometimes, when I need to access to my home computer I use RustDesk, but the key map for Ubuntu and macOS are quite different thus makes the user experience not very well, I do most of the job with command line, so if I can SSH into my computer at home, that would be great, with cloudflare, this can be fulfilled very easily.

I will keep this post short, so the following will not be covered here:

  • The domain name is managed with cloudflare
  • cloudflared docker service up and running
  • cloudflare tunnel has been created

For details on how to do the above will be described later in Make Selfhosted Services Public.

I followed this guide to make ssh works, the different is I prefer command line, so I will use command line as much as possible to save time.

SSH Server Configuration

  1. Create cloudflare tunnel
    cd $HOME/docker/cloudflared
    docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/cloudflared:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.5.1 tunnel login
    docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}/cloudflared:/etc/cloudflared/ cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.5.1 tunnel create my-tunnel
  2. Create a CNAME record
docker run -v ${PWD}/cloudflared:/etc/cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.5.1 tunnel route dns my-tunnel
  1. Add ingress rules to cloudflare config: cloudflared/config.yml
tunnel: 1e768a67-1c95-4304-9e9b-fa227455d7ce
credentials-file: /etc/cloudflared/1e768a67-1c95-4304-9e9b-fa227455d7ce.json
  enabled: true
 - hostname:
 - hostname:
   service: ssh://
 - service: http_status:404

Don’t forget to restart docker

docker-compose restart

Add Cloudflare Application

Before adding application, a group is required, or create one during the process of adding application.

  1. Create Access Groups Launch Cloudflare Zero Trust dashboard, select Access >> Access Groups from the left panel, then click Add a Group and fill the group configuration like this: Group configuration

  2. Add an application Click Applications » Add an application » Self-hosted, this is what I did to create an example application: Add an application

You may want to change the Session Duration to a longer period, as you need to enter a new code cloudflare send to your mail box when the session expired, this could be boring if you use ssh this way every day.

Client configuration

For macOS

brew install cloudflare/cloudflare/cloudflared

For Ubuntu

wget -c
sudo dpkg -i ./cloudflared-linux-amd64.deb
cat << EOF >> $HOME/.ssh/config
  ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/cloudflared access ssh --hostname %h
  User username

Now it’s time to give it a try:


You have to grant access when running the above command for the first time.


ERR failed to connect to origin error=”websocket: bad handshake”

If ssh connection cannot be established, and report the following error:

2022-03-27T13:11:48Z ERR failed to connect to origin error="websocket: bad handshake" originURL=
websocket: bad handshake
kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Then change

   service: ssh://localhost:22


   service: ssh://

I don’t know why follow the official guide does not work, but change to the real ip address fix this problem.