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Android performance monitoring with bcc

4 minute read

Build kernel with bpf support In order to use bpf, kernel should be at least build with these options: +CONFIG_BPF=y +CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL=y +CONFIG_BPF_EVENTS...

Scheduling task with crontab

2 minute read

I think schduling a job with crontab should be easy for me, as I am a veteran linux user, the truth is I don’t know crontab, totally.

Kernel memory debugging techniques

7 minute read

Linux kernel has many memory related debug tools to help kernel developers find out memory related issues, these tools are included in upstream kernel: Ke...

Automate FTP transfer with shell script

2 minute read

Android build process takes a very long time, especially on low end computers, after build complete, I wanna transfer the final image to ftp server for furth...