Test Linux on ROC-RK3328-CC with LTP

3 minute read

Cross compile ltp

git clone https://github.com/linux-test-project/ltp --depth 1
. /opt/poky/4.0.15/environment-setup-cortexa53-crypto-poky-linux
make autotools

./configure --host=aarch64-poky-linux --prefix=$(pwd)/usr
make install
scp -r usr root@
root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -h

    usage: runltp [ -a EMAIL_TO ] [ -c NUM_PROCS ] [ -C FAILCMDFILE ] [ -T TCONFCMDFILE ]
    -N -n [ -o OUTPUTFILE ] -p -q -Q [ -r LTPROOT ] [ -s PATTERN ] [ -t DURATION ]

    -a EMAIL_TO     EMAIL all your Reports to this E-mail Address
    -c NUM_PROCS    Run LTP under additional background CPU load
                    [NUM_PROCS = no. of processes creating the CPU Load by spinning over sqrt()
                                 (Defaults to 1 when value)]
    -C FAILCMDFILE  Command file with all failed test cases.
    -T TCONFCMDFILE Command file with all test cases that are not fully tested.
    -d TMPDIR       Directory where temporary files will be created.
                    Run LTP under additional background Load on Secondary Storage (separated by comma)
                    [NUM_PROCS   = no. of processes creating Storage Load by spinning over write()]
                    [NUM_FILES   = Write() to these many files (Defaults to 1 when value 0 or undefined)]
                    [NUM_BYTES   = write these many bytes (defaults to 1GB, when value 0 or undefined)]
                    [CLEAN_FLAG  = unlink file to which random data written, when value 1]
    -e              Prints the date of the current LTP release
    -f CMDFILES     Execute user defined list of testcases (separate with ',')
-F LOOPS,PERCENTAGE Induce PERCENTAGE Fault in the Kernel Subsystems, and, run each test for LOOPS loop
    -g HTMLFILE     Create an additional HTML output format
    -h              Help. Prints all available options.
    -i NUM_PROCS    Run LTP under additional background Load on IO Bus
                    [NUM_PROCS   = no. of processes creating IO Bus Load by spinning over sync()]
Log Kernel messages generated for each test cases inside this directory
    -l LOGFILE      Log results of test in a logfile.
                    Run LTP under additional background Load on Main memory (separated by comma)
                    [NUM_PROCS   = no. of processes creating main Memory Load by spinning over malloc()]
                    [CHUNKS      = malloc these many chunks (default is 1 when value 0 or undefined)]
                    [BYTES       = malloc CHUNKS of BYTES bytes (default is 256MB when value 0 or undefined) ]
                    [HANGUP_FLAG = hang in a sleep loop after memory allocated, when value 1]
[CHECK_TYPE=1 => Full Memory Leak Check tracing children as well]
[CHECK_TYPE=2 => Thread Concurrency Check tracing children as well]
[CHECK_TYPE=3 => Full Memory Leak & Thread Concurrency Check tracing children as well]
    -N              Run all the networking tests.
    -o OUTPUTFILE   Redirect test output to a file.
    -p              Human readable format logfiles.
    -q              Print less verbose output to screen. This implies
                    not logging start of the test in kernel log.
    -Q              Don't log start of test in kernel log.
    -r LTPROOT      Fully qualified path where testsuite is installed.
    -R              Randomize test order.
    -s PATTERN      Only run test cases which match PATTERN.
    -S SKIPFILE     Skip tests specified in SKIPFILE
    -t DURATION     Execute the testsuite for given duration. Examples:
                      -t 60s = 60 seconds
                      -t 45m = 45 minutes
                      -t 24h = 24 hours
                      -t 2d  = 2 days
    -I ITERATIONS   Execute the testsuite ITERATIONS times.
    -w CMDFILEADDR  Uses wget to get the user's list of testcases.
    -x INSTANCES    Run multiple instances of this testsuite.
    -b DEVICE       Some tests require an unmounted block device
                    to run correctly.
    -B LTP_DEV_FS_TYPE The file system of test block devices.
    -z BIG_DEVICE   Some tests require a big unmounted block device
                    to run correctly.
    -Z  LTP_BIG_DEV_FS_TYPE The file system of the big device
    -W ZOOFILE      Specify the zoo file used to record current test tags (default PID of this script)

    example: runltp -c 2 -i 2 -m 2,4,10240,1 -D 2,10,10240,1 -p -q  -l /tmp/result-log.335 -o /tmp/result-output.335 -C /tmp/result-failed.335 -d /home/root/usr

If yocto was used to generate image, then Add the following to conf/local.conf:

bitbake-layers show-layers


root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -s ^mkdir

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -f commands -s ^mkdir

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -t all -l 1

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -f sched

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -N

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -c 12

# Run multiple instances of the test suite
root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -x 5

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -f `pwd`/output/failed.tests

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -C failed.tests

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -l myresults.log -p

root@roc-rk3328-cc:~/usr# ./runltp -l myresults.log

Parsing test report

./diffresults.sh results/file1.log results/file2.log