Linux C Crash Reporting with Sentry

6 minute read


sudo apt install
sudo apt install docker-compose-
curl -SL -o $HOME/.local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x $HOME/.local/bin/docker-compose

sentry server

Install behind proxy

Comment out following two lines in cron/Dockerfile:

RUN if [ -n "${http_proxy}" ]; then echo "Acquire::http::proxy \"${http_proxy}\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf; fi
RUN if [ -n "${https_proxy}" ]; then echo "Acquire::https::proxy \"${https_proxy}\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf; fi

Pull and create docker images

unset http_proxy HTTP_PROXY https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY
git clone
cd self-hosted
git checkout ${VERSION}
./ --no-report-self-hosted-issues

You're all done! Run the following command to get Sentry running:

  docker-compose up -d


Change system.url-prefix to URL to in sentry/config.yml:


docker-compose up

This may take several minutes.

Upload debug information files

pip install sentry-cli

sentry-cli debug-files find 8184c616-c413-c0cb-2168-5a9dcbbca27e
8184c616-c413-c0cb-2168-5a9dcbbca27e /[...]/projects/sentry/sentry-native/build/sentry_example [elf]

export SENTRY_ORG=sentry
export SENTRY_PROJECT=helloworld
export SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=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

sentry-cli debug-files upload --wait build/sentry_example
> Found 1 debug information file
> Prepared debug information file for upload
> Uploading completed in 0.066s
> Uploaded 1 missing debug information file
> File processing complete:

       OK 8184c616-c413-c0cb-2168-5a9dcbbca27e (sentry_example; arm64 library)

Cross compile sentry native sdk for arm64

Build sentry sdk

git clone
cd sentry-native
git checkout 0.7.0
git submodule update --init --recursive

source /opt/poky/4.0.15/environment-setup-cortexa53-crypto-poky-linux
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=aarch64-poky-linux-gcc
cmake --build build --parallel
cmake --install build --prefix install
exa --tree install
├── bin
│  └── crashpad_handler
├── include
│  └── sentry.h
└── lib
   ├── cmake
   │  └── sentry
   │     ├── sentry-config-version.cmake
   │     ├── sentry-config.cmake
   │     ├── sentry-targets-relwithdebinfo.cmake
   │     ├── sentry-targets.cmake
   │     ├── sentry_crashpad-targets-relwithdebinfo.cmake
   │     └── sentry_crashpad-targets.cmake

scp install/bin/crashpad_handler root@
scp install/lib/ root@

Install required libraries

Add the following to kas-roc-rk3328-cc.yml:

    IMAGE_INSTALL:append = "\
        libcurl \
        libstdc++ \
        libunistring \

Copy libraries to target board:

export KAS_BUILD_DIR=$(pwd)/build-roc-rk3328-cc
kas build kas-roc-rk3328-cc.yml

scp build-roc-rk3328-cc/tmp/work/roc_rk3328_cc-poky-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/lib/ root@

scp build-roc-rk3328-cc/tmp/work/roc_rk3328_cc-poky-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/lib/ root@

scp build-roc-rk3328-cc/tmp/work/roc_rk3328_cc-poky-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/lib/ root@
scp build-roc-rk3328-cc/tmp/work/roc_rk3328_cc-poky-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/lib/ root@
scp build-roc-rk3328-cc/tmp/work/roc_rk3328_cc-poky-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/lib/ root@
scp build-roc-rk3328-cc/tmp/work/roc_rk3328_cc-poky-linux/core-image-minimal/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/lib/ root@


root@roc-rk3328-cc:/usr/bin# SENTRY_DSN=http://f1e3d59bc01b1e5b0c88a95410a2dd43@ sentry_example log stdout capture-event capture-exception raise
Segmentation fault

hello world


Install sentry-cli


pip install sentry-cli


brew install getsentry/tools/sentry-cli


sentry-cli --url login -g --auth-token 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
This helps you signing in your sentry-cli with an authentication token.
If you do not yet have a token ready we can bring up a browser for you
to create a token now.

Sentry server:
Valid org token

Stored token in /Users/fdbai/.sentryclirc
cat $HOME/.sentryclirc

Upload Source Bundles

sentry-cli debug-files bundle-sources build/sentry_example

sentry-cli debug-files upload build/
> Found 1 debug information file (1 with embedded sources)
> Prepared debug information file for upload
> Uploading completed in 0.158s
> Uploaded 1 missing debug information file
> File upload complete:

  UPLOADED 8184c616-c413-c0cb-2168-5a9dcbbca27e (; arm64 sources)

Or use --include-sources to skip creating bundle files:

sentry-cli debug-files upload --include-sources build/sentry_example

Source Bundle


sentry-cli debug-files check build/sentry_example
Debug Info File Check
  Type: elf library
  Contained debug identifiers:
    > Debug ID: 8184c616-c413-c0cb-2168-5a9dcbbca27e
      Code ID:  16c6848113c4cbc021685a9dcbbca27e28130539
      Arch:     arm64
  Contained debug information:
    > symtab, debug, unwind
  Usable: yes

sentry-cli releases list
| Released     | Version                 | New Events | Last Event   |
| (unreleased) | test-example-release    | 7          | 11 hours ago |
| (unreleased) | frontend@24.2.0+unknown | 1          | -            |

sentry-cli releases -o sentry -p helloworld list
| Released     | Version              | New Events | Last Event   |
| (unreleased) | test-example-release | 7          | 11 hours ago |

sentry-cli releases info test-example-release
| Version              | Date created                   | Last event              |
| test-example-release | 2024-03-01 13:39:07.728837 UTC | 2024-03-01 14:06:45 UTC |

If $HOME/.sentryclirc does not exists, export auth token also works:

export SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=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
sentry-cli releases -o sentry -p helloworld list

Relay Server

docker run --rm -it                  \
  -v $(pwd)/config/:/work/.relay/:z  \
  --entrypoint bash                  \
  getsentry/relay:24.3.0             \
  -c 'chown -R relay:relay /work/.relay'
# Generate the configuration
docker run --rm -it                  \
  -v $(pwd)/config/:/work/.relay/:z  \
  getsentry/relay:24.3.0             \
  config init
Initializing relay in /work/.relay
✔ Do you want to create a new config? · Yes, create default config
Generated new credentials
  relay id: 2444abd0-7779-4887-9dce-444c56f8d141
  public key: hIoJVkTE8_GDBC6ORmPTxuF-nDAQ7Qi2OPChVZiRJhQ
All done!

cat config/config.yml

  mode: managed
  port: 3000
  level: TRACE

cat docker-compose.yml

    image: getsentry/relay:24.3.0
    network_mode: host
      - 3000:3000
      - type: bind
        read_only: true
        source: ./config
        target: /work/.relay
docker-compose up
[+] Running 2/0
 ✔ Container relay-relay-1                                          Created                                                              0.1s
 ! relay Published ports are discarded when using host network mode                                                                      0.0s
Attaching to relay-relay-1
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.162697Z  INFO relay::setup: launching relay from config folder /work/.relay
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.162724Z  INFO relay::setup:   relay mode: managed
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.162727Z  INFO relay::setup:   relay id: 2444abd0-7779-4887-9dce-444c56f8d141
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.162732Z  INFO relay::setup:   public key: hIoJVkTE8_GDBC6ORmPTxuF-nDAQ7Qi2OPChVZiRJhQ
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.162735Z  INFO relay::setup:   log level: trace
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.162744Z  INFO relay_server: relay server starting
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172599Z  INFO relay_server::services::outcome: Configured to emit outcomes as client reports
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172676Z  INFO relay_server::services::global_config: global config service starting
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172717Z  INFO relay_server::services::global_config: requesting global config from upstream
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172745Z  INFO relay_server::services::processor: starting 8 envelope processing workers
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172636Z  INFO relay_server::services::upstream: registering with upstream descriptor=
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172833Z  INFO relay_metrics::router: metrics router started
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.172923Z  INFO relay_server::services::relays: key cache started
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173083Z  INFO relay_server::services::outcome: OutcomeProducer started.
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173096Z  INFO relay_server::services::project_cache: project cache started
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173125Z  INFO relay_server::services::outcome_aggregator: outcome aggregator started
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173187Z  INFO relay_server::services::project_cache: waiting for global config
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173281Z  INFO relay_server::services::project_upstream: project upstream cache started
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173280Z  INFO relay_server::services::project_local: project local cache started
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173412Z  INFO relay_server::services::server: spawning http server
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173419Z  INFO relay_server::services::server:   listening on
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.173354Z DEBUG relay_server::utils::garbage: Start garbage collection thread
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.546831Z DEBUG relay_server::services::upstream: got register challenge token="eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE3MTE4MDY2MjIsInJlbGF5X2lkIjoiMjQ0NGFiZDAtNzc3OS00ODg3LTlkY2UtNDQ0YzU2ZjhkMTQxIiwicHVibGljX2tleSI6ImhJb0pWa1RFOF9HREJDNk9SbVBUeHVGLW5EQVE3UWkyT1BDaFZaaVJKaFEiLCJyYW5kIjoiMDB3ZnJ5cHZJemJ2bXJ5ZjZWM2VzVjVHdkF3a1hCV2hQWnN6Z29NVnlsWWZUZkdIaVFSWkt6bkUxR0tfd2locmtiOXBrUUtyaDM0LVc4ZFBBSm00M1EifQ:_F7AGcZZtp18cskC-rjPY86Q9vzzGUzx7cy86a_KUw413u5fQILLN-XucezwAGh2ETcwgE1OH8HEqlKZj-1qiA"
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:22.546882Z DEBUG relay_server::services::upstream: sending register challenge response
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:23.430135Z  INFO relay_server::services::upstream: relay successfully registered with upstream
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-30T13:50:23.747339Z  INFO relay_server::services::global_config: received global config from upstream

Copy the public key of relay server and register it to sentry server:

docker run --rm -it                \
  -v $(pwd)/config/:/work/.relay/  \
  getsentry/relay:24.3.0           \
  credentials show
  relay id: 2444abd0-7779-4887-9dce-444c56f8d141
  public key: hIoJVkTE8_GDBC6ORmPTxuF-nDAQ7Qi2OPChVZiRJhQ

Relay register

Relay registered

Report crash event to relay server

root@roc-rk3328-cc:/usr/bin# SENTRY_DSN=http://d876ef1d51a5b762eaaffa49cbc9b526@ ./sentry_example log abort
[sentry] INFO using database path "/usr/bin/.sentry-native"
[sentry] DEBUG starting transport
[sentry] DEBUG starting background worker thread
[sentry] DEBUG starting backend
[sentry] DEBUG starting crashpad backend with handler "/usr/bin/crashpad_handler"
[sentry] DEBUG background worker thread started
[sentry] DEBUG using minidump URL ""
[sentry] INFO started crashpad client handler
[sentry] DEBUG processing and pruning old runs
[sentry] INFO flushing session and queue before crashpad handler
[sentry] INFO handing control over to crashpad


CSRF Verification Failed

CSRF Verification Failed

CSRF Verification Failed
A required security token was not found or was invalid
sentry-self-hosted-web-1                                           | 02:28:08 [WARNING] Forbidden (Origin checking failed - does not match any trusted origins.): /auth/login/sentry/ (status_code=403 request=<WSGIRequest: POST '/auth/login/sentry/'>)

Answer sentry/config.yml


No Organization Access

No Organization Access

All the users create with command line has this issue, and are not listed in webUI:

docker compose run --rm web createuser --email --password 123456 --org-id sentry --superuser

I create superuser with above command because user create was skipped in the installation process:

./ --skip-user-creation --no-report-self-hosted-issues

Answer I think this is a bug, but didn’t find a solution, so I use this command for sentry install:

./ --no-report-self-hosted-issues

A required debug information file was missing

debug information

Answer Upload debug info before report crashes to sentry.

authentication encountered error error

docker-compose up
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:51.351818Z  INFO relay_server::services::server: spawning http server
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:51.351826Z  INFO relay_server::services::server:   listening on
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:51.351751Z DEBUG relay_server::utils::garbage: Start garbage collection thread
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:54.352990Z ERROR relay_server::services::upstream: authentication encountered error error=could not send request to upstream error.sources=[error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: operation timed out, error trying to connect: operation timed out, operation timed out]
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:54.353224Z DEBUG relay_server::services::upstream: scheduling authentication retry in 0 seconds
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:54.354327Z  INFO relay_server::services::upstream: registering with upstream descriptor=
relay-relay-1  | 2024-03-29T21:39:57.355775Z ERROR relay_server::services::upstream: authentication encountered error error=could not send request to upstream error.sources=[error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: operation timed out, error trying to connect: operation timed out, operation timed out]

Answer Add network_mode: host to docker-compose.yml.