$ docker-compose up Starting pihole ... done Attaching to pihole pihole | [s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0. pihole | [s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0. pihole | [fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes... pihole | [fix-attrs.d] 01-resolver-resolv: applying... pihole | [fix-attrs.d] 01-resolver-resolv: exited 0. pihole | [fix-attrs.d] done. pihole | [cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts... pihole | [cont-init.d] 20-start.sh: executing... pihole | ::: Starting docker specific checks & setup for docker pihole/pihole pihole | WARNING Misconfigured DNS in /etc/resolv.conf: Two DNS servers are recommended, and any backup server pihole | WARNING Misconfigured DNS in /etc/resolv.conf: Primary DNS should be (found pihole | pihole | nameserver pihole | options ndots:0 pihole | Assigning random password: 8_NorGN6 [✓] Update local cache of available packages pihole | [i] Existing PHP installation detected : PHP version 7.0.33-0+deb9u8 pihole | pihole | [i] Installing configs from /etc/.pihole... pihole | [i] Existing dnsmasq.conf found... it is not a Pi-hole file, leaving alone! [✓] Copying 01-pihole.conf to /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.conf pihole | chown: cannot access '': No such file or directory pihole | chmod: cannot access '': No such file or directory pihole | chown: cannot access '/etc/pihole/dhcp.leases': No such file or directory pihole | + pihole -a -p 8_NorGN6 8_NorGN6 pihole | Setting password: 8_NorGN6 pihole | [✓] New password set pihole | Docker DNS variables not used pihole | Existing DNS servers used ( & pihole | DNSMasq binding to default interface: eth0 pihole | Added ENV to php: pihole | "PHP_ERROR_LOG" => "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log", pihole | "ServerIP" => "", pihole | "VIRTUAL_HOST" => "", pihole | Using IPv4 and IPv6 pihole | ::: Preexisting ad list /etc/pihole/adlists.list detected ((exiting setup_blocklists early)) pihole | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts pihole | https://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains pihole | ::: Testing pihole-FTL DNS: FTL started! pihole | ::: Testing lighttpd config: Syntax OK pihole | ::: All config checks passed, cleared for startup ... pihole | ::: Docker start setup complete pihole | [i] Neutrino emissions detected... [✓] Pulling blocklist source list into range pihole | [✓] Preparing new gravity database pihole | [i] Target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts [✓] Status: Retrieval successful pihole | [i] Received 57835 domains pihole | pihole | [i] Target: https://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains [✓] Status: No changes detected pihole | [i] Received 26853 domains pihole | [✓] Storing downloaded domains in new gravity database [✓] Building tree [✓] Swapping databases pihole | [i] Number of gravity domains: 84688 (84644 unique domains) pihole | [i] Number of exact blacklisted domains: 0 pihole | [i] Number of regex blacklist filters: 0 pihole | [i] Number of exact whitelisted domains: 0 pihole | [i] Number of regex whitelist filters: 0 [✓] Cleaning up stray matter pihole | pihole | [✓] DNS service is running pihole | [✓] Pi-hole blocking is Enabled pihole | Pi-hole version is v5.1.1 (Latest: v5.1.1) pihole | AdminLTE version is v5.1 (Latest: v5.1) pihole | FTL version is v5.1 (Latest: v5.1) pihole | [cont-init.d] 20-start.sh: exited 0. pihole | [cont-init.d] done. pihole | [services.d] starting services pihole | Starting crond pihole | Starting pihole-FTL (no-daemon) as root pihole | Starting lighttpd pihole | [services.d] done.