Android performance profiling tool - simpleperf

20 minute read


simpleperf is a native performance profiling tool for Android, like the name indicated, simpleperf is a simplified version of linux-tools-perf with some additional features for Android specific profiling:

  • It collects more info in profiling data, simpleperf not only collects samples in profiling data, but also collects needed symbols, device info and recording time.

  • It delivers new features for recording.
    a. When recording dwarf based call graph, simpleperf unwinds the stack before writing a sample to file. This saves storage space on the device.
    b. Support tracing both on CPU time and off CPU time with –trace-offcpu option.
    c. Support recording callgraphs of JITed and interpreted Java code on Android >= P.

  • It relates closely to the Android platform.
    a. Is aware of Android environment, like using system properties to enable profiling, using run-as to profile in application’s context.
    b. Supports reading symbols and debug information from the .gnu_debugdata section, because system libraries are built with .gnu_debugdata section starting from Android O.
    c. Supports profiling shared libraries packaged into apk files.
    d. It uses the standard Android stack unwinder, so its results are consistent with all other Android tools.

  • It builds executables and shared libraries for different usages.
    a. Builds static executables on the device. Since static executables don’t rely on any library, simpleperf executables can be pushed on any Android device and used to record profiling data.
    b. Builds executables on different hosts: Linux, Mac, which can be used to report on hosts.
    c. Builds report shared libraries on different hosts. The report library is used by different Python scripts to parse profiling data.

It can be used to profile both Android applications and native processes, source code can be found here, it can be used on Android L and above. Currently simpleperf supports the following subcommands:

rpi3:/ # simpleperf
Usage: simpleperf [common options] subcommand [args_for_subcommand]
common options:
    -h/--help     Print this help information.
    --log <severity> Set the minimum severity of logging. Possible severities
                     include verbose, debug, warning, info, error, fatal.
                     Default is info.
    --version     Print version of simpleperf.
    dump                dump perf record file
    help                print help information for simpleperf
    kmem                collect kernel memory allocation information
    list                list available event types
    record              record sampling info in
    report              report sampling information in
    report-sample       report raw sample information in
    stat                gather performance counter information

Host side python scripts

Android NDK provides bunch of python scripts to help simplify the recording and reporting of peformance data on and target device. You may need adb connection to do events recording or pulling binaries from the device.

First things first, install android ndk with below command:

brew cask install android-ndk

simpleperf scripts lies under below directory:


These pythons scripts can also be found in Android source tree.

Recording with simpleperf

rpi3:/data # simpleperf record -p 1793 --duration 5
simpleperf I cmd_record.cpp:582] Samples recorded: 20112. Samples lost: 0.
rpi3:/data # ls -l
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1210725 1970-01-01 02:34
rpi3:/data #

Record specific events

simpleperf only record cpu-cycles events by default, use option ‘-e’ specify your intrerested events, available supported events can be found with simpleperf list subcommand.

rpi3:/data # simpleperf record -e task-clock -p 1412 --duration 5
simpleperf I cmd_record.cpp:582] Samples recorded: 20122. Samples lost: 0.

Record with --trace-offcpu

simpleperf is a CPU profiler, it generates samples for a thread only when it is running on a CPU. However, sometimes we want to figure out where the time of a thread is spent, whether it is running on a CPU, or staying in the kernel’s ready queue, or waiting for something like I/O events.

To support this, the record command uses --trace-offcpu to trace both on CPU time and off CPU time. When --trace-offcpu is used, simpleperf generates a sample when a running thread is scheduled out, so we know the callstack of a thread when it is scheduled out. And when reporting a generated with --trace-offcpu, we use time to the next sample (instead of event counts from the previous sample) as the weight of the current sample. As a result, we can get a call graph based on timestamps, including both on CPU time and off CPU time.

trace-offcpu is implemented using sched:sched_switch tracepoint event, which may not be supported on old kernels. But it is guaranteed to be supported on devices >= Android O MR1. Check with below command:

$ adb shell simpleperf list --show-features
$ adb shell simpleperf record -g -p 1412 --duration 10 --trace-offcpu
simpleperf I cmd_record.cpp:582] Samples recorded: 20795 (cut 396). Samples lost: 2.

Record call graphs

simpleperf supports two ways to record the call graph information during a profiling session, namely DWARF-based (record --call-graph dwarf or record -g) and stack frame pointer-based (record --call-graph fp).

Record stack frame based call graph
In general, recording with --call-graph fp is much faster than with --call-graph dwarf. You should consider using the --call-graph fp option if you are profiling on devices built on the AArch-64 architecture (arm64-v8a), but not on devices built on the ARM architecture (armeabi and armeabi-v7a). Because devices built on the ARM architecture typically do not have stack frame registers to support reliable stack unwinding with the --call-graph fp option.

$ adb shell simpleperf record --call-graph fp \
--app com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava --duration 10 \
-o /data/local/tmp/

Add “--call-graph fp” in -r option if using python script

$ python -p com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative \
        -r "-e task-clock:u -f 1000 --duration 10 --call-graph fp" \
        -lib path_of_SimpleperfExampleWithNative

Record dwarf based call graph
If you are profiling on devices built on the ARM architecture, consider using the --call-graph dwarf option. This enables simpleperf to unwind the stack using the libunwind library. In order to use the --call-graph dwarf option, you must provide debug information in your native libraries. So do not strip the native libraries.

$ adb shell simpleperf record -g \
--app com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava --duration 10 \
-o /data/local/tmp/

Add “-g” in -r option if using

$ python -p com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative \
        -r "-e task-clock:u -f 1000 --duration 10 -g" -lib path_of_SimpleperfExampleWithNative

perf report

simpleperf report is used to report based on generated by simpleperf record command. Report command groups records into different sample entries, sorts sample entries based on how many events each sample entry contains, and prints out each sample entry. By passing options, we can select where to find and executable binaries used by the monitored program, filter out uninteresting records, and decide how to group records.

Report call graph

To report call graph using command lines, add -g option.

$ python -g


$ ./bin/darwin/x86_64/simpleperf report -g
Cmdline: /system/xbin/simpleperf record -g --app com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava --duration 10 -o /data/local/tmp/
Arch: arm
Event: cpu-cycles (type 0, config 0)
Samples: 21017
Event count: 2920990814

Children  Self    Command     Pid   Tid   Shared Object                                                                                          Symbol
100.00%   0.00%   BusyThread  4951  4973  /system/lib/                                                                                    __start_thread
       -- __start_thread
           -- __pthread_start(void*)
              art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue*)
              art::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*)
              art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)
              void com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava.MainActivity$
               |--78.01%-- [hit in function]
               |--21.94%-- int com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava.MainActivity$1.callFunction(int)
               |    |--99.87%-- [hit in function]

In addition, python script also support gui mode with –gui option:

$ python -g --gui
# Double-click an item started with '+' to show its callgraph.

call graph

Set the path to find executable binaries

If reporting function symbols, simpleperf needs to read executable binaries used by the monitored processes to get symbol table and debug information. By default, the paths are the executable binaries used by monitored processes while recording. However, these binaries may not exist when reporting or not contain symbol table and debug information. So we can use --symfs to redirect the paths.

Filtering records

When reporting, it happens that not all records are of interest. Simpleperf supports four filters to select records of interest.

# Report records in threads having name sudogame.
$ simpleperf report --comms sudogame

# Report records in process 7394 or 7395
$ simpleperf report --pids 7394,7395

# Report records in thread 7394 or 7395.
$ simpleperf report --tids 7394,7395

# Report records in
$ simpleperf report --dsos /data/app/com.example.sudogame-2/lib/arm64/

simpleperf stat

simpleperf stat is used to get a raw event counter information of the profiled program or system-wide. By passing options, we can select which events to use, which processes/threads to monitor, how long to monitor and the print interval:

rpi3:/ # simpleperf stat -p 4951 --duration 10
Performance counter statistics:

    5,981,775,450  cpu-cycles            # 0.599927 GHz                     (100%)
    4,315,672,325  instructions          # 1.386059 cycles per instruction  (100%)
      497,935,398  branch-instructions   # 49.939 M/sec                     (100%)
          118,962  branch-misses         # 0.023891% miss rate              (100%)
  9970.844717(ms)  task-clock            # 0.996943 cpus used               (100%)
              386  context-switches      # 38.713 /sec                      (100%)
                0  page-faults           # 0.000 /sec                       (100%)

Total test time: 10.001417 seconds.

Android application profiling

There are three demo app can be used for exmple of application profiling:


We will take SimpleperfExamplePureJava as an example to show how to do profiling.

Simpleperf only supports profiling native instructions in binaries in ELF format. If the Java code is executed by interpreter, or with jit cache, it can’t be profiled by simpleperf. As Android supports Ahead-of-time compilation, it can compile Java bytecode into native instructions with debug information. On devices with Android version <= M, we need root privilege to compile Java bytecode with debug information. However, on devices with Android version >= N, we don’t need root privilege to do so.

Build debuggable application


The application should be debuggable for non-rooted devices, it is not required for rooted Android devices.
To profile java code, jvm should be running in oat mode, but on Android O, debuggable applications are forced to run in jit mode. To work around this, we need to add a in the apk. Check here for how to add in the apk.

$ git clone --depth=1
$ cd extras/simpleperf/demo/SimpleperfExamplePureJava
$ adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/profiling/app-profiling.apk

Recording with simpleperf command

a. Enable profiling

$ adb shell setprop security.perf_harden 0

b. Compile java bytecode into native instructions

$ adb shell setprop debug.generate-debug-info true
$ adb shell cmd package compile -f -m speed com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava

c. Record perf data

  • Launch app
    # Restart the app to take effect
    $ adb shell am force-stop com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava
    $ adb shell am start -n com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava/.MainActivity
  • record with PID
    $ adb shell pidof com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava
    $ adb shell simpleperf record -p 4951 --duration 10 -o /data/
  • record with app name
    $ adb shell simpleperf record \
    --app com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava --duration 10 \
    -o /data/local/tmp/

d. report perf data

$ pwd
$ adb pull /data/
$ ./bin/darwin/x86_64/simpleperf report
Cmdline: /system/xbin/simpleperf record -p 4951 --duration 10 -o /data/
Arch: arm
Event: cpu-cycles (type 0, config 0)
Samples: 40187
Event count: 6008070339

Overhead  Command     Pid   Tid   Shared Object                                                                                          Symbol
78.09%    BusyThread  4951  4973  /data/app/com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava-4yHqvtcXdfkeUvMR4kkELg==/oat/arm/base.odex  void com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava.MainActivity$
21.89%    BusyThread  4951  4973  /data/app/com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava-4yHqvtcXdfkeUvMR4kkELg==/oat/arm/base.odex  int com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava.MainActivity$1.callFunction(int)

Profiling with

a. perf recording

$ python --app com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplepurejava \
     -r "-e cpu-cycles:u --duration 10"

If the above command reports: INFO:root:profiling is finished. It will pull to current directory, and related native binaries in binary_cache/.

b. perf report

$ python takes same options as simpleper report.

Visualize profiling data

Generate flamegraph with Inferno

Inferno is a tool to generate flamegraph for android programs. It was originally written to profile surfaceflinger (Android compositor) but it can be used for other C++ program.
It uses simpleperf to collect data. Programs have to be compiled with frame pointers which excludes ART based programs for the time being.

Here is how it works:

  1. Data collection is started via simpleperf and pulled locally as “”.
  2. The raw format is parsed, callstacks are merged to form a flamegraph data structure.
  3. The data structure is used to generate a SVG embedded into an HTML page.
  4. Javascript is injected to allow flamegraph navigation, search, coloring model.
$ pwd
$ ./ -sc --symfs binary_cache

Inferno will generate report.html in the current directory and launch web browser automatically to show the flamegraph.

Profiling application with native library

Build and install app

$ git clone --depth=1
$ cd extras/simpleperf/demo/SimpleperfExampleWithNative
$ adb install -r app/build/outputs/apk/profiling/app-profiling.apk

Recording profile data with

If there are no symbol table and debug info in native libraries, the profiling result may contain unkown symbols, script provides -lib option to specify directory that contains unstripped native libraries. Usually the directory can be path of the project(e.g. system-extras/simpleperf/demo/ SimpleperfExampleWithNative)

$ python -p com.example.simpleperf.simpleperfexamplewithnative \
        --compile_java_code -a .MixActivity \
        -lib system-extras/simpleperf/demo/SimpleperfExampleWithNative

Visualize profiling data

Script generates report.html under current directory and open a new tab in browser to show the profiling report results:

$ python
$ python --add_source_code --add_disassembly \
        --source_dirs system-extras/simpleperf/demo/SimpleperfExampleWithNative


There are several tabs in report.html: The first tab is “Chart Statistics”. You can click the pie chart to show the time consumed by each process, thread, library and function.

The second tab is “Sample Table”. It shows the time taken by each function. By clicking one row in the table, we can jump to a new tab called “Function”.

The third tab is “Flamegraph”. It shows the flame graphs generated by inferno.

The fourth tab is “Function”. It only appears when users click a row in the “Sample Table” tab. It shows information of a function, including:

  • A flame graph showing functions called by that function.
  • A flame graph showing functions calling that function.
  • Annotated source code of that function. It only appears when there are source code files for that function.
  • Annotated disassembly of that function. It only appears when there are binaries containing that function.

Profiling android system

Recording perf data

$ python -np surfaceflinger -r "-g --duration 10"
$ python -np surfaceflinger -r "--call-graph fp --duration 10"

Generate perf report

$ python

Add source code to perf report

Since Android >= O has symbols for system libraries on device, we don’t need to use unstripped binaries in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols to report call graphs. However, they are needed to add source code and disassembly (with line numbers) in the report. We can use to collect unstripped binaries from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols to binary_cache/.

$ python -lib $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/symbols

Generate report with source code and assembly

$ python --add_source_code --add_disassembly \
		--source_dirs $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP

Disassembling all binaries is slow, so it’s better to add --binary_filter option to only disassemble selected binaries.

$ python --add_source_code --source_dirs $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP \
		--add_disassembly --binary_filter

Usage of subcommands

simpleperf list

Hardware events

rpi3:/ # simpleperf list hw
List of hardware events:

Software events

rpi3:/ # simpleperf list sw
List of software events:

hw-cache events

rpi3:/ # simpleperf list cache
List of hw-cache events:

raw events

rpi3:/ # simpleperf list raw
List of raw events provided by cpu pmu:
  # Please refer to PMU event numbers listed in ARMv8 manual for details.
  # A possible link is
  raw-l1-icache-refill		# level 1 instruction cache refill
  raw-l1-dcache-refill		# level 1 data cache refill
  raw-l1-dcache		# level 1 data cache access
  raw-l1-dtlb-refill		# level 1 data TLB refill
  raw-load-retired		# load (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-store-retired		# store (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-instruction-retired		# instructions (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-exception-taken		# exception taken
  raw-exception-return		# exception return (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-pc-write-retired		# software change of the PC (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-br-immed-retired		# immediate branch (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-unaligned-ldst-retired		# unaligned load or store (instruction architecturally executed)
  raw-br-mis-pred		# mispredicted or not predicted branch speculatively executed
  raw-cpu-cycles		# cpu cycles
  raw-br-pred		# predictable branch speculatively executed
  raw-mem-access		# data memory access
  raw-l1-icache		# level 1 instruction cache access
  raw-l1-dcache-wb		# level 1 data cache write-back
  raw-l2-dcache		# level 2 data cache access
  raw-l2-dcache-refill		# level 2 data cache refill
  raw-l2-dcache-wb		# level 2 data cache write-back
  raw-bus-access		# bus access
  raw-bus-cycles		# bus cycle

tracepoint events

rpi3:/ # simpleperf list tracepoint
List of tracepoint events:

simpleperf record

rpi3:/data # simpleperf record --help
Usage: simpleperf record [options] [--] [command [command-args]]
       Gather sampling information of running [command]. And -a/-p/-t option
       can be used to change target of sampling information.
       The default options are: -e cpu-cycles -f 4000 -o
Select monitored threads:
-a     System-wide collection.
--app package_name    Profile the process of an Android application.
                      On non-rooted devices, the app must be debuggable,
                      because we use run-as to switch to the app's context.
-p pid1,pid2,...       Record events on existing processes. Mutually exclusive
                       with -a.
-t tid1,tid2,... Record events on existing threads. Mutually exclusive with -a.

Select monitored event types:
-e event1[:modifier1],event2[:modifier2],...
             Select a list of events to record. An event can be:
               1) an event name listed in `simpleperf list`;
               2) a raw PMU event in rN format. N is a hex number.
                  For example, r1b selects event number 0x1b.
             Modifiers can be added to define how the event should be
             monitored. Possible modifiers are:
                u - monitor user space events only
                k - monitor kernel space events only
--group event1[:modifier],event2[:modifier2],...
             Similar to -e option. But events specified in the same --group
             option are monitored as a group, and scheduled in and out at the
             same time.
--trace-offcpu   Generate samples when threads are scheduled off cpu.
                 Similar to "-c 1 -e sched:sched_switch".

Select monitoring options:
-f freq      Set event sample frequency. It means recording at most [freq]
             samples every second. For non-tracepoint events, the default
             option is -f 4000. A -f/-c option affects all event types
             following it until meeting another -f/-c option. For example,
             for "-f 1000 cpu-cycles -c 1 -e sched:sched_switch", cpu-cycles
             has sample freq 1000, sched:sched_switch event has sample period 1.
-c count     Set event sample period. It means recording one sample when
             [count] events happen. For tracepoint events, the default option
             is -c 1.
--call-graph fp | dwarf[,<dump_stack_size>]
             Enable call graph recording. Use frame pointer or dwarf debug
             frame as the method to parse call graph in stack.
             Default is dwarf,65528.
-g           Same as '--call-graph dwarf'.
--clockid clock_id      Generate timestamps of samples using selected clock.
                        Possible values are: realtime, monotonic,
                        monotonic_raw, boottime, perf. Default is perf.
--cpu cpu_item1,cpu_item2,...
             Collect samples only on the selected cpus. cpu_item can be cpu
             number like 1, or cpu range like 0-3.
--duration time_in_sec  Monitor for time_in_sec seconds instead of running
                        [command]. Here time_in_sec may be any positive
                        floating point number.
-j branch_filter1,branch_filter2,...
             Enable taken branch stack sampling. Each sample captures a series
             of consecutive taken branches.
             The following filters are defined:
                any: any type of branch
                any_call: any function call or system call
                any_ret: any function return or system call return
                ind_call: any indirect branch
                u: only when the branch target is at the user level
                k: only when the branch target is in the kernel
             This option requires at least one branch type among any, any_call,
             any_ret, ind_call.
-b           Enable taken branch stack sampling. Same as '-j any'.
-m mmap_pages   Set the size of the buffer used to receiving sample data from
                the kernel. It should be a power of 2. If not set, the max
                possible value <= 1024 will be used.
--no-inherit  Don't record created child threads/processes.
--cpu-percent <percent>  Set the max percent of cpu time used for recording.
                         percent is in range [1-100], default is 25.

Dwarf unwinding options:
--post-unwind=(yes|no) If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then the user's
                       stack will be recorded in and unwound while
                       recording by default. Use --post-unwind=yes to switch
                       to unwind after recording.
--no-unwind   If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then the user's stack
              will be unwound by default. Use this option to disable the
              unwinding of the user's stack.
--no-callchain-joiner  If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then by default
                       callchain joiner is used to break the 64k stack limit
                       and build more complete call graphs. However, the built
                       call graphs may not be correct in all cases.
--callchain-joiner-min-matching-nodes count
               When callchain joiner is used, set the matched nodes needed to join
               callchains. The count should be >= 1. By default it is 1.

Recording file options:
--no-dump-kernel-symbols  Don't dump kernel symbols in By default
                          kernel symbols will be dumped when needed.
--no-dump-symbols       Don't dump symbols in By default symbols are
                        dumped in, to support reporting in another
-o record_file_name    Set record file name, default is
--exit-with-parent            Stop recording when the process starting
                              simpleperf dies.
--size-limit SIZE[K|M|G]      Stop recording after SIZE bytes of records.
                              Default is unlimited.
--start_profiling_fd fd_no    After starting profiling, write "STARTED" to
                              <fd_no>, then close <fd_no>.
--symfs <dir>    Look for files with symbols relative to this directory.
                 This option is used to provide files with symbol table and
                 debug information, which are used for unwinding and dumping symbols.

simpleperf report

rpi3:/data # simpleperf report --help
Usage: simpleperf report [options]
The default options are: -i --sort comm,pid,tid,dso,symbol.
-b    Use the branch-to addresses in sampled take branches instead of the
      instruction addresses. Only valid for recorded with -b/-j
--children    Print the overhead accumulated by appearing in the callchain.
--comms comm1,comm2,...   Report only for selected comms.
--dsos dso1,dso2,...      Report only for selected dsos.
--full-callgraph  Print full call graph. Used with -g option. By default,
                  brief call graph is printed.
-g [callee|caller]    Print call graph. If callee mode is used, the graph
                      shows how functions are called from others. Otherwise,
                      the graph shows how functions call others.
                      Default is caller mode.
-i <file>  Specify path of record file, default is
--kallsyms <file>     Set the file to read kernel symbols.
--max-stack <frames>  Set max stack frames shown when printing call graph.
-n         Print the sample count for each item.
--no-demangle         Don't demangle symbol names.
--no-show-ip          Don't show vaddr in file for unknown symbols.
-o report_file_name   Set report file name, default is stdout.
--percent-limit <percent>  Set min percentage shown when printing call graph.
--pids pid1,pid2,...  Report only for selected pids.
--raw-period          Report period count instead of period percentage.
--sort key1,key2,...  Select keys used to sort and print the report. The
                      appearance order of keys decides the order of keys used
                      to sort and print the report.
                      Possible keys include:
                        pid             -- process id
                        tid             -- thread id
                        comm            -- thread name (can be changed during
                                           the lifetime of a thread)
                        dso             -- shared library
                        symbol          -- function name in the shared library
                        vaddr_in_file   -- virtual address in the shared
                      Keys can only be used with -b option:
                        dso_from        -- shared library branched from
                        dso_to          -- shared library branched to
                        symbol_from     -- name of function branched from
                        symbol_to       -- name of function branched to
                      The default sort keys are:
--symbols symbol1;symbol2;...    Report only for selected symbols.
--symfs <dir>         Look for files with symbols relative to this directory.
--tids tid1,tid2,...  Report only for selected tids.
--vmlinux <file>      Parse kernel symbols from <file>.

simpleperf stat

rpi3:/data # simpleperf stat --help
Usage: simpleperf stat [options] [command [command-args]]
       Gather performance counter information of running [command].
       And -a/-p/-t option can be used to change target of counter information.
-a           Collect system-wide information.
--app package_name    Profile the process of an Android application.
                      On non-rooted devices, the app must be debuggable,
                      because we use run-as to switch to the app's context.
--cpu cpu_item1,cpu_item2,...
                 Collect information only on the selected cpus. cpu_item can
                 be a cpu number like 1, or a cpu range like 0-3.
--csv            Write report in comma separate form.
--duration time_in_sec  Monitor for time_in_sec seconds instead of running
                        [command]. Here time_in_sec may be any positive
                        floating point number.
--interval time_in_ms   Print stat for every time_in_ms milliseconds.
                        Here time_in_ms may be any positive floating point
                        number. Simpleperf prints total values from the
                        starting point. But this can be changed by
--interval-only-values  Print numbers of events happened in each interval.
-e event1[:modifier1],event2[:modifier2],...
                 Select a list of events to count. An event can be:
                   1) an event name listed in `simpleperf list`;
                   2) a raw PMU event in rN format. N is a hex number.
                      For example, r1b selects event number 0x1b.
                 Modifiers can be added to define how the event should be
                 monitored. Possible modifiers are:
                   u - monitor user space events only
                   k - monitor kernel space events only
--group event1[:modifier],event2[:modifier2],...
             Similar to -e option. But events specified in the same --group
             option are monitored as a group, and scheduled in and out at the
             same time.
--no-inherit     Don't stat created child threads/processes.
-o output_filename  Write report to output_filename instead of standard output.
-p pid1,pid2,... Stat events on existing processes. Mutually exclusive with -a.
-t tid1,tid2,... Stat events on existing threads. Mutually exclusive with -a.
--verbose        Show result in verbose mode.
