An introduction to android systrace

5 minute read

what is systrace

The systrace is a host python script shipped with android sdk, it lies under platform-tools directory:


It can be used for collect CPU scheduler, disk activity and app threads, it combines these data to generate a report in html format, it is usually used for inspecting timing related issues such as janking. systrace is part of the Catapult project.

The following screenshot gives us an overview of how systrace report looks like: systrace

Using systrace

A quick help will tell us what systrace supports:

fdbais-MacBookAir:systrace fdbai$ pwd
fdbais-MacBookAir:systrace fdbai$ python --help
Usage: [options] [category1 [category2 ...]]

Example: -b 32768 -t 15 gfx input view sched freq

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE               write trace output to FILE
  -j, --json            write a JSON file
  --link-assets         (deprecated)
                        adb device serial number
  --timeout=TIMEOUT     timeout for start and stop tracing (seconds)
                        timeout for data collection (seconds)
  -t N, --time=N        trace for N seconds
  --target=TARGET       choose tracing target (android or  linux)
  -b N, --buf-size=N    use a trace buffer size  of N KB
  -l, --list-categories
                        list the available categories and exit

  Atrace options:
                        Select atrace categories with a comma-delimited list,
                        e.g. --atrace-categories=cat1,cat2,cat3
    -k KFUNCS, --ktrace=KFUNCS
                        specify a comma-separated list of kernel functions to
    --no-compress       Tell the device not to send the trace data in
                        compressed form.
    -a APP_NAME, --app=APP_NAME
                        enable application-level tracing for comma-separated
                        list of app cmdlines
                        read the trace from a file (compressed) rather than
                        running a live trace

  Atrace process dump options:
    --process-dump      Capture periodic per-process memory dumps.
                        Interval between memory dumps in milliseconds.
                        Capture full memory dumps for some processes. Value:
                        all, apps or comma-separated process names.
                        Capture VM regions and memory-mapped files. It
                        increases dump size dramatically, hence only has
                        effect if --process-dump-full is a whitelist.

  BattOr trace options:
                        Select battor categories with a comma-delimited list,
                        e.g. --battor-categories=cat1,cat2,cat3
                        File containing pregenerated map of phone serial
                        numbers to BattOr serial numbers.
                        specify a BattOr path to use
    --battor            Use the BattOr tracing agent.

  Ftrace options:
                        Select ftrace categories with a comma-delimited list,
                        e.g. --ftrace-categories=cat1,cat2,cat3

  WALT trace options:
    --walt              Use the WALT tracing agent. WALT is a device for
                        measuring latency of physical sensors on phones and
                        computers. See

The available categories on device may vary depending on the device you’re using. -l option can be used to list the supported categories.

-a option can be used for tracing app, Trace class was introduced after Android 4.3, by using this class you can see what parts of the app has issue, fore more information about using Trace class refer to Instrument your app code section of systrace overview.

what is atrace

atrace is android native binary tools used for capture kernel events using ftrace, the source code is under frameworks/native/cmds/atrace directory, atrace has the similar options with systrace:

rpi3:/ # atrace --help
usage: atrace [options] [categories...]
options include:
  -a appname      enable app-level tracing for a comma separated list of cmdlines
  -b N            use a trace buffer size of N KB
  -c              trace into a circular buffer
  -f filename     use the categories written in a file as space-separated
                    values in a line
  -k fname,...    trace the listed kernel functions
  -n              ignore signals
  -s N            sleep for N seconds before tracing [default 0]
  -t N            trace for N seconds [default 5]
  -z              compress the trace dump
  --async_start   start circular trace and return immediately
  --async_dump    dump the current contents of circular trace buffer
  --async_stop    stop tracing and dump the current contents of circular
                    trace buffer
  --stream        stream trace to stdout as it enters the trace buffer
                    Note: this can take significant CPU time, and is best
                    used for measuring things that are not affected by
                    CPU performance, like pagecache usage.
                  list the available tracing categories
 -o filename      write the trace to the specified file instead
                    of stdout.

Use --list_categories option to see a list of available tracing categories:

rpi3:/ # atrace --list_categories
         gfx - Graphics
       input - Input
        view - View System
     webview - WebView
          wm - Window Manager
          am - Activity Manager
          sm - Sync Manager
       audio - Audio
       video - Video
      camera - Camera
         hal - Hardware Modules
         app - Application
         res - Resource Loading
      dalvik - Dalvik VM
          rs - RenderScript
      bionic - Bionic C Library
       power - Power Management
          pm - Package Manager
          ss - System Server
    database - Database
     network - Network
         adb - ADB
         pdx - PDX services
       sched - CPU Scheduling
         irq - IRQ Events
         i2c - I2C Events
        freq - CPU Frequency
        idle - CPU Idle
        disk - Disk I/O
         mmc - eMMC commands
       workq - Kernel Workqueues
  regulators - Voltage and Current Regulators
  binder_driver - Binder Kernel driver
  binder_lock - Binder global lock trace
   pagecache - Page cache

Capture trace log with systrace

systrace is a python wrapper for host side, it interacts with android side tool atrace to generate final report. Since I do not have adb connection I use atrace to dump trace to trace.dat, then generate html report with --from-file option of systrace.

Capture trace log without adb connection

rpi3:/ # atrace sched freq idle am wm gfx view binder_driver irq workq input
-t 10 -b 96000 -o /data/trace.dat

It will prompt done when the time you specified time expires.

capturing trace… done

How to generate systrace report with offline trace file

fdbais-MacBookAir:systrace fdbai$ python --from-file=trace.dat
Reading results from file.
Tracing completed. Collecting output...
Outputting Systrace results...
Tracing complete, writing results

Wrote trace HTML file: file:///Users/fdbai/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/systrace/trace.html

How to view systrace report

The systrace report support a list of shortcut keys, click the question mark in the top right cornner of the report to show the help window: shortcuts

Press v to highlight Vsync to get a good sense of what 16ms looks like.

NOTE only googe chrome is working for viewing the report, Safari and Firefox were confirmed not working for now. Install with the following command:

brew cask install google-chrome

I’m tested against Version 69.0.3497.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Inspecting frames and alerts

Frames that render within the 16.6 millisecond required to maintain a stable 60 frames per second are indicated with green frame circles. Frames that take longer than 16.6 milliseconds to render are indicated with yellow or red frame circles.
